Cocoa Beach Bankruptcy Attorneys and Foreclosure Defense Attorneys
Foreclosure Defense Lawyer and Bankruptcy Lawyer Serving Cocoa Beach, Florida
Stop your foreclosure, modify your mortgage, and/or eliminate your credit card debt. If you are faced with a foreclosure, you are being constantly bombarded by creditors seeking to collect a debt, or you fear a garnishment of your bank account or wages, you need the help of an experienced Cocoa Beach bankruptcy and foreclosure defense attorney. The Bowin Law Group can put an end to creditor harassment immediately and will advise you how to eliminate your debts to regain your financial peace of mind. Sometimes bankruptcy is the best option to eliminate your debts. Other times, bankruptcy is not the option and we can provide you with an alternate solution. Whether you are faced with repossession of your car or a foreclosure of your home, it is critical that you speak with a skilled bankruptcy lawyer and foreclosure defense attorney in Brevard County to ensure your rights are protected and your financial interests are guarded.
What Legal Assistance can the Bowin Law Group provide?
The Bowin Law Group is very experienced and can offer you knowledgeable and effective representation and advice in many areas. This page provides only a brief view of those areas. To learn more specific information about the areas in which we can assist you, please click on the following links:
Free Consultation to Discuss Your Bankruptcy or Foreclosure Options
In today's tough times, many people have turned to bankruptcy, foreclosure defense and other forms of debt relief. However, no two cases are the same. If you are considering filing bankruptcy in Cocoa Beach, it is very important that you take the necessary steps to ensure that your rights are protected and you are taking the correct actions that apply to your unique situation. The sooner you speak with an experienced Cocoa Beach, FL bankruptcy attorney, the sooner you will be able to discuss your options and the type of bankruptcy or other debt relief solution that is right for you and your business or family. Call the Bowin Law Group now to schedule a free consultation to discuss your options.
Cocoa Beach Bankruptcy Lawyer Beau Bowin
If you are being harassed by debt collectors, threatened with foreclosure, or your wages or bank account are being garnished, there is help. Bankruptcy is an option that could resolve many if not all of the issues that you are currently facing. Worried about being forced to sell your home or other assets? There are laws in place to help protect your home, your vehicle and other similar assets. Attorney Beau Bowin will be able to meet with you and give you a full breakdown on the steps you will be taking throughout the bankruptcy process.
What is Bankruptcy?
When most people think of the word "bankruptcy", they think of a complete liquidation of all their assets in exchange for a release of their personal debts. This common perception of bankruptcy is not completely accurate. In fact, in most bankruptcy cases, the debtor does not have to give up any property in exchange for a release or "discharge" of his or her debts.
There are two types of bankruptcy typically used by individuals. The first type of bankruptcy is a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which requires the liquidation of " non-exempt" assets. In most cases, all of the debtor's assets are " exempt assets" and therefore won't be taken from the debtor. The bankruptcy lawyer at the Bowin Law Group can maximize your property exemptions to protect your assets in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The second type of bankruptcy typically used by individuals is a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides the debtor the ability to adjust his or her financial obligations without the need to liquidate any assets or assert any exemptions. Instead, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires the payment of debts out of the debtor's future income. The debtor is allowed to retain and use all of his or her property while paying creditors pursuant to a payment plan approved by the Bankruptcy Court. The payment plan in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy will typically require a 3 to 5 year commitment. After completing the payment plan, the debtor receives a discharge of most of his or her debts.
If you are considering filing bankruptcy in Cocoa Beach, call the Bowin Law Group to schedule a free consultation to determine whether a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is right for you.
Cocoa Beach Foreclosure Defense Attorney
Dealing with a foreclosure is an extremely stressful situation for you and your family. It is important for you to know that you are not alone. Thousands of homeowners in the Brevard County area are facing the same financial hardships you are facing. The Bowin Law Group has counseled hundreds of these homeowners in just the past few months, all of whom have had extreme difficulty dealing with their banks. Their stories are frighteningly similar and reveal some the fraudulent tactics the banks are employing to remove homeowners from their homes.
What are my Foreclosure Options?
You have several options when faced with a foreclosure in Brevard County, including mortgage modification, short sale, or deed-in-lieu. The option that is best for you depends upon what it is you are seeking to accomplish. If you wish to retain your home, your best option is to negotiate a modification of your mortgage and a reinstatement of your loan. A successful mortgage modification can lower your monthly mortgage payments and end your foreclosure action.
To obtain a modification, it is critical that you retain an experienced attorney to represent your interests in the foreclosure action and in negotiation of your mortgage modification. Regardless of what the bank's representative may have told you, and despite the representative's good intentions, if you don't properly defend the foreclosure action while negotiating the modification, the bank will get a judgment of foreclosure on your home.
The Bank has an attorney working hard to get a foreclosure judgment. You should have an attorney working hard to prevent a judgment. The cost of an experienced foreclosure defense attorney is minimal, especially when compared to the loss you will suffer if you don't get experienced legal representation. The Bowin Law Group will zealously defend your foreclosure and negotiate a modification on your behalf. Call us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss whether a mortgage modification can work for you.
What if I Don't Want to Keep my Home?
Even if you want to give up your home, there are better ways of doing so without letting the bank get a foreclosure judgment against you. Letting the bank get a foreclosure judgment against you will have a significant impact on your credit report and, worse, YOU WILL STILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DEFICIENCY AFTER THE FORECLOSURE SALE. For example, if homeowner owes the bank $200k but the home sells at the foreclosure auction for $100k, the homeowner has a deficiency of $100k. The bank can attempt to garnish the homeowner's bank accounts and wages to collect the $100k deficiency.
An experienced Cocoa Beach foreclosure defense lawyer can pursue several options to eliminate the homeowner's liability on the deficiency. One option is a short-sale by which the bank approves of a sale of the home for less than the homeowner owes on the mortgage in exchange for a release of the homeowner's liability on the deficiency. Another option is a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure in which the homeowner transfers the deed to the bank in exchange for a waiver of the homeowner's liability on the deficiency.
The Bowin Law Group is experienced in negotiating short sales and deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation to determine which foreclosure option is best for you.
During difficult economic times, affordability is always a concern. The Bowin Law Group is aware of this and has always offered reasonable fees coupled with convenient payment schedules. Your economic welfare is important to you and it is equally important to the legal team at the Bowin Law Group. Whether you are faced with bankruptcy or you need to modify your mortgage, the attorneys at the Bowin Law Group will always treat you with the respect, dedication and courtesy that you expect from a premier legal group.
Contact a Cocoa Beach Bankruptcy Attorney/Foreclosure Defense Lawyer at the Bowin Law Group today!