Viera Bankruptcy Attorneys | Viera Florida Foreclosure Attorneys
Foreclosure Defense Lawyers and Bankruptcy Lawyers in Viera, Florida
Brevard's Hometown Law Group - Offices in Melbourne, Cocoa and Titusville
The people of Viera, Florida are suffering through one of the worst economic periods in Viera's history. With the unemployment rate skyrocketing, foreclosures in Viera continue to rise and home values continue to decline. If you are one of the people experiencing these difficulties, contact the Bowin Law Group to speak with a Viera Bankruptcy Attorney to discuss you debt relief options. If you are facing foreclosure on your home, or are considering a short-sale or strategic default, contact our Viera Florida Foreclosure Attorney to determine which option is best for you.
Don't spend your retirement savings until you speak with us
Many Viera residents have seen their 401k and other retirement plans wiped out, leaving them with little security about their financial future. Credit card debts that were once manageable have now soared out of control, making it nearly impossible for these residents to make their minimum monthly payments. Many of these Viera residents are forced to choose between making their credit card payments and putting food on the table, between making their mortgage payment and buying their prescription medication. In most cases, these sacrifices are unnecessary. It is important to know that you have legal options to relieve you from your burdensome debts, save your home from foreclosure, protect your retirement savings and regain your financial peace of mind. We can advise you how.
Free Consultations - Reasonable Fees you CAN afford
Bowin Law Group offers free consultations to discuss your Debt Relief options. During your free consultation, a Bowin Law Group attorney will advise you whether a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense, Loan Modification, Short Sale or other Debt Relief option is best for you. We offer reasonable payment plans for all Brevard County residents. Before you make a decision that you can't afford an attorney, contact the Bowin Law Group to see what we can do for you. For more information onBankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense and other Debt Relief options, contact our office to schedule a free consultation with one of our Viera attorneys, or visit our pages below:
- Foreclosure defense
- Bankruptcy
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 13
- Deed in Lieu
- Business Bankruptcy
- Business Litigation
If you are considering filing bankruptcy in Viera, Florida, contact an attorney at Bowin Law Group to discuss whether bankruptcy is right for you. If Bankruptcy is not the best option for you, Bowin Law Group can advise you on many other Debt Relief solutions to better suit your needs, including Foreclosure Defense, Mortgage Modification and Short-Sales. Bowin Law Group provides reasonable payment plans to all Brevard, Florida residents.
Foreclosure Defense Lawyer in Viera, FL.
With foreclosures on the rise throughout Florida, countless families in Viera have watched their home values plummet, leaving them with little or no equity in their homes. Due to recent reductions in their incomes due to layoffs and employer cut-backs, these families are unable to make their current monthly mortgage payments, and they cannot refinance their mortgages because there is no equity in their homes. Most of these families receive no help from their mortgage companies, but instead get bounced around on the phone from one bank representative to the next. The homeowner is required to fill out the same paperwork over and over again, only to find that each time the homeowner calls the bank, the bank has no record of receiving the papers. The home owner can never get a firm commitment from the bank and nothing is ever finalized. After all their hard work to save their home, and despite the bank's assurances to the contrary, the bank ultimately files a foreclosure action to take the home. It can be a devastating experience for a family to endure.
If you are one of these homeowners, it is important to know that recent changes in Florida foreclosure law increase your ability to modify your mortgage and save your home, even if you are significantly behind on your payments.
New Statewide Foreclosure Rules
The Florida Supreme Court recently adopted statewide rules that significantly increase the homeowner's rights once a foreclosure action is filed. In many Viera foreclosure cases, the bank is now required to schedule a mediation to consider modification options available to the homeowner. The bank may not seek a judgment in a foreclosure case until they schedule a mediation to consider the homeowner's modification options, even if the homeowner is in default of his or her mortgage. Instead of dealing with a bank representative with no decision making authority (like the people you have probably dealt with so far), the bank is required to appear at the mediation with a bank representative with authority to modify the homeowner's mortgage. If the bank fails to appear with a person with authority to approve a modification, the foreclosure action can be dismissed.
Although no one wants to deal with the stress of a foreclosure action, this mediation process is the best chance the homeowner has to modify his or her mortgage and save their home. To take advantage of this mediation process, you must act quickly. Failure to act quickly may result in you waiving your right to mediation. If the bank has served you with a foreclosure summons and complaint, contact our office immediately to discuss whether you qualify for the mediation process. A foreclosure defense lawyer from Bowin Law Group will appear at the mediation with you and will fight to protect your family's home and modify your mortgage.
[UPDATE: As of December 19, 2011, the Florida Supreme Court has terminated the mandatory mediation program. Homeowner's are no longer entitled to mediation as a matter of course. NOW MORE THAN EVER, homeowners shold seek the advice of counsel to defend their foreclosures. There are now fewer safeguards in place to protect your rights]
Bowin Law Group offers affordable payment plans to all Brevard Country residents.